Business plan
The political and business roles of United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd can be summarised by the seven areas of the company business plan.
1. To review the Company's Business activities and Philosophy.
It is vital that any company continually reviews it's activities and goals. In the case of United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd this review process must consider the maintainance of a vibrant and dynamic company, as well as the good of all New Zealand wheat growers.
2. To provide a wheat insurance scheme for all wheat growers.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd provide a disaster relief insurance scheme for New Zealand wheat growers. A compulsory levy is charged on all wheat grain sold, to provide a flat rate insurance cover with no excess and no minimum loss.
For more details read the insurance page.
3. To monitor and review the Quality Assurance scheme.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd was instrumental in the establishment of the New Zealand Crop Quality Assurance scheme. The scheme was designed to provide a traceability system that was sound, yet grower-friendly. End-users have been very supportive of the scheme.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd places great importance on continually monitoring the evolution of the scheme for the benefit of the entire wheat industry.
A more in-depth description of the NZCQA scheme is given on the Quality Assurance page.
4. To facilitate the transfer of information to growers.
The primary purpose of this web site is to assist in the provision of timely information to New Zealand wheat growers, so that they may make more fully-informed decisions about wheat plantings and marketing.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd sources domestic and international grain pricing data for publication in print media, and on the Pricing and Trends page.
Domestic wheat contracting options are also posted on the Contracts page, so that New Zealand wheat growers may fully compare some of the marketing options available.
5. To collect crop information.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd see merit in encouraging a fully informed free market for wheat. Thus the company has commissioned numerous surveys of expected harvest tonnages and uncommitted grain over the years.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd is investigating the use of crop prediction models, satellite imagery, and further survey techniques with the hope of providing the whole industry an accurate assessment of seasonal wheat supplies from New Zealand.
6. To maintain dialogue with end users on behalf of growers.
As the primary political role of United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd the Chairman and Vice-Chairman regularly meet with end users, placing importance on the building of relationships and respect. Although no price setting can take place, growers wishes and concerns over contract terms and pricing trends can be conveyed.
End users wishes and concerns can also be conveyed back to growers on a less confrontational basis. The continuity of office bearers plays an important role in the building of these relationships.
7. To promote New Zealand wheat to consumers of wheat products.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd takes every opportunity to promote the use of New Zealand wheat and it's benefits of traceability, small segregated parcels, an ability to be stored on-farm until requirement, and specialised niche production.
8. To facilitate the research into the development of new varieties.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd realise the importance of the provision of new varietal technology to New Zealand wheat growers so they have the ability to compete with an international market, and prosper in niche markets.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd also wishes to ensure that growers gain a share of ownership or some control in new varieties, to gain a royalty stream to continue funding, and to guarantee availability of core wheat varieties.
United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd invests significant funds to the "Crop and Food Research" wheat breeding programme, targeting areas that should provide the New Zealand wheat grower with the greatest long term benefit. The contract is performance based, rewarding improved market share of core wheat varieties.
Under the "Wheat Industry Research Levies Act 1989" United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd has the ability to levy all wheat growers in the interests of research for the benefit of wheatgrowers. The company has in the past used this levy to gain funds for investment in plant breeding, although the current investment is sourced from company profits and reserves, and the levy is zero rated. The company is monitoring the performance of the investment, and at some point may seek to reinstate the levy to ensure the investment is sustainable.