QAgrainz - Quality Assured New Zealand Grain
"To provide ultimate confidence in New Zealand produced grain by verifying traceability and adherence to industry standards of production, storage and delivery"
The New Zealand Crop Quality Assurance Scheme, branded QAgrainz was developed in 2003 by an industry taskforce which had been overseeing the NZCQA diary scheme since 1998.
Essentially, the new scheme requires growers to register with the administrator and commit to keeping relevant traceability information for the perusal of auditors.
This information can be kept in any form, such as computer records or pocket diaries, the key component being the ability to verify to auditors the activities that have taken place in the crops production.
The old scheme diaries will no longer be required to be furnished with harvest grain samples.
Download: QA Grainz Grower Manual pdf version (665 kb) |
Growers are required to fill out an application form, agreeing to be bound by the conditions of the scheme. The grower is then sent an invoice for $450 + GST. Upon payment the grower will be allocated a QAgrainz number, supplied with a grower manual QA Grainz Grower Manual pdf version which outlines the conditions of membership and notification will be sent to AsureQuality to undertake an audit of the grower's property.
The grower manual is divided into the following areas of production.
- Paddock identification and seed sown information
- Fertiliser application to growing crops
- Chemical application to growing crops
- Pre-harvest storage and equipment preparation
- Harvest sampling of crops
- Grain drying
- On-farm grain storage
- Transportation of grain
The manual uses a system of ranking certain criteria within these areas as critical, major and recommended.
Growers are allocated a membership status on the following basis.
- A = Fully accredited - Registered and audited
- B = Provisionally accredited - Registered but not audited
- C = Registered but audit requires correction to major non-compliance
- D = Suspended due to critical non-compliance or failure to correct major non-compliance within one year.
Participating grain buyers and processors will accept deliveries from members with A, B and C status.
Grower membership has increased and currently has a tri-annual cost of $450 plus GST, plus any charges where re-audit may be required. This will be invoiced as audit falls due.
Participating grain buyers and processors have access to the QAgrainz on-line database with the ability to view only QAgrainz number, Trading name, QA manager and grower status.
Grain buyers and processors are issued with access passwords after completing the database access application form. There is a $250 plus GST annual charge for this access.
Audit Procedure
The taskforce will nominate an independent third party to carry out audits on all registered growers to ensure compliance to the QAgrainz scheme conditions. Currently AsureQuality have been nominated for this task.
The audit frequency will be monitored by the taskforce, initially three yearly.
Audit results will effect grower status, access to which participating grain buyers and processors will be given through the QAgrainz on-line database.
Contact details
For further information, or general enquiries contact the following
Taskforce Chairman
PO Box 39 195
Phone (03) 365 0881
Fax (03) 377 2991
The QAgrainz taskforce is made up of representatives of the following bodies.
- New Zealand Bakers Association
- New Zealand Flour Millers Association
- New Zealand Feed Manufacturers Association
- United Wheatgrowers (NZ) Ltd
- International Malting Company (NZ) Ltd
- New Zealand Grain and Seed Trade Association